Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Whole 30 Challenge

Yes, it's me. I know, it's been a whole year since my last entry. I have been a bit of a slacker this past year and well, it felt good! Now it is time to get back into the action!

Why blog now?

Crossfit Minnesota is starting the Whole 30 Challenge at our gym starting tomorrow. I am IN 100%. I was resistant at first but have warmed up to the idea. I don't like to be told that I am not allowed to do things and at first this was how this came off. I seek balance in my life in all facets and this just seems extreme. But, I am open and willing to give it a shot.

Why do this? Well, I think we all need to change our relationship with food. It is our FUEL people....not a treat and definitely not a problem solver. Do you want your body to run like a pinto or a ferrari? I think I know the answer.

I am not doing this to lose weight. I am doing it to see how I feel. Granted, I make pretty good nutritional choices already, but I am willing to commit to 30 about you?

My biggest challenge? Giving up dairy. I love the cream in my coffee, the cheese in my eggs and my greek yogurt mid-afternoon. And, well, the alcohol. But as I heard someone say, if you can't give up alcohol for 30 days, you might have some greater issues to deal with. I am down with that.

I will start my day tomorrow with my usual, minus the cheese and tortillas, adding some tomato, onion and avacado. Yum. Maybe minus the penguin plate add a real adult plate. Pictured above is the usual!

Wish me luck and check in often!

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