Friday, October 8, 2010

Damn Good Food and Other Stuff

4 Things:
1. Steak Salad. For a long time I thought that was kind of an oxymoron, but that was before I knew better. Our dinner tonight was this delicious spinach salad topped with one hard boiled egg, 1/2 an avacado, cut up baby tomatoes and leftover steak from last night. The steak was FINE last night but absolutely delish tonight. Matt made the dressing so it was some EVOO, balsamic, dijon concoction. Highly recommend!

2. Today I had my first mishap. I didn't not go astray from the type of food I should eat, I just forgot to pack food and went a bit too long without. I ate my breakfast at 8:30, went to work, went for a 60 minute easy run, back at the gym for squats and could tell I was fading. My goal was to get the squats in and bolt so I could get some food immediately, which I did. I was getting a little light headed on the squats which I will remind myself of next time I rush out the door without any of my food!

3. I think I have decided that next year will be my year to have an aggressive athletic goal. I am currently considering the Chicago Marathon. My goal would be sub 3 hours. My plan is to crossfit and follow the crossfit endurance site for training. It scares the shit out of me but it is not going to get any easier as the years go by so I might as well go for it!

4. Finally, at Girls Night Out last night I was asked several times what my due date was. Thank god it wasn't because I looked like the photo to the left. My awesome neighbors threw me a surprise party to celebrate FitNeighbor, my business I have had in my hood for the last 3+ years. Apparently people are used to me drinking. Yes, we have had some good times in my neighborhood for sure! So I was drinking water out of a glass that was not meant for alcohol. Then people start asking questions. Rumors are flying in my neighborhood! Ugh.

So, what did I learn from this? In a social setting, like at the concert we are going to tomorrow night, I will order tonic with lime or something of that nature so nobody asks. Fake it. Maybe I will even pretend that I am drunk and do something really stupid. If you have any other ideas for what I can drink that doesn't look like a non-alcoholic drink it would be greatly appreciated!

5. I lied, it is really 5 things. Why don't you also pick something that scares the shit out of you and do it next year as well???? HUH???

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