Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Find Something you Suck at and Change It....

It's okay, I am fine with folks watching me stumble through something. I can think of two specific instances in the last two years where people said, "Wow, you really suck at that."

The most recent is the sledgehammer. The photo above was taken this past weekend at a Women's WOD (WOWOD) where we had to wheelbarrow, swing kettlebells, jump tires, hit tires and push our buddies on the prowler. Badass stuff. Last summer when I first took hold of the sledgehammer it was ugly. A few people were outright laughing at me because, well, it was really funny. Especially when I went to my "dumb side". Now, I have to say that I workout in a very supportive environment so the laughing was all in good fun.

I decided to take this challenge by the horn and practice. I practiced last summer and was able to put those skills to functional use when we did demo on our basement. I spent a lot of time breaking up our concrete floor and boy, did it feel good! AND, they aren't laughing at me anymore (for the sledgehammer anyways).

The other instance where I sucked was cross country skiing. There were many witnesses but one dear friend (Kara Thom from MamaSweat) stayed behind with me to help me get through the course. I haven't been back at it yet but I guarantee you I will.

What do you suck at?


Court said...

Great post! I love getting better at things I suck at too... a few years ago it was swimming, now I've moved onto broomball - my latest challenge. The "ice factor" really changes things! :) I'll keep you posted...

M said...

awesome post, Darc! I suck at swimming and snowboarding. It's not surprising that it takes a lot of drive and overcoming of fear to tackle things that we "suck" at. I hate the pool. I hate being wet and I hate sucking at swimming. This summer, inspired by your post, I will work to suck a little less at it :). I don't care about snowboarding. I will let myself suck at that because the last time I went I broke my tailbone. :(